
Running update – 3 weeks to my half-marathon and I’ve got a bum hamstring…

Wheee there hasn’t been much running lately:

last 30 days
last 30 days thanks to

The 5k race on March 16 was awesome – a new PR! By all of 11 seconds but I’ll take it. But almost 9 minutes faster than my first 5k after Q was born (way back in 2012).

The day after the race I realized that my knee/back of my leg was a little sore so I add another day of rest. On the 19th I had to cut the run a little short (6 instead of 6.5k so really not a lot) but I couldn’t go any further thanks to the pulling feeling behind my leg. Next day I went and saw a physiotherapist who manipulated my leg a whole bunch and gave me some exercises to do at home. She also suggested I do some foam roller stuff – more on that later. I did 8k nice and slow. Nothing in the run hurt my leg any worse than before the run but it definitely wasn’t any better. Started adding more walking as a warm up to the run and that was helping. The run on the 25th was rough though and I made an RMT appointment for the next day. And didn’t run again until April 4, 2014.

That was a glorious run. Windy and cold and at 5 am but no pain whatsoever.

The 5th was equally awesome. At one point I stopped and made a video. It actually sounds like I like running eh?

my regular running route (it’s a youtube link)

Seriously it was a gorgeous day!

along the Don
along the Don

So much so that I can almost forget what awaits me at the end of the run:

yep, stairs. Lots of stairs. That you can see through.
yep, stairs. Lots of stairs. That you can see through.

After the run I tried to use the foam roller. Things I learned (a) I’m pretty uncoordinated. Okay, that’s nothing new. (b) Using a foam roller is harder than it looks and (c) my wrists are pretty weak. So even just the little I did was enough to make my wrists sore and my legs feel abused. I swear I will do it again but not until after returning from D.C.

And then there was Sunday. A horrible horrible run. I was seriously overdressed. 10* Celsius. I haven’t seen 10* Celsius in ages. I had full running tights on, a long sleeve tech shirt and a reflective vest. Too many clothes. The first 4 km were okay but then my hamstring kinda twinged and the heat was a bit much. I slowed down for the next 4 km. And kinda lost it for the last 4km. Maybe I should have just turned around after the first 4.

Anyway, 19 days till my half marathon and I’m panicking a little. I’ve got a 10k on Sunday too but I’m less fussed about that. The damn half is in Washington DC and I am finishing that run. Even if I have to walk more than I usually do. I’ll worry about full rest and repair after that (don’t worry too much I have a physio appointment tomorrow and a massage on Wednesday).

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