Diversions Get Crafty Health

The week ahead….

So I thought I’d be a bit more organized if I could spend a little bit of time on Sunday setting out the week ahead so here goes. Work from 9 to 5 is a given unless otherwise noted.

-run in the morning for 30-45 minutes
-get Q in to daycare and let Toby sleep hopefully getting a bit better in the process
-during a break at work – add the new coupons to my spread sheet and check out the flyers to see if there’s anything super I should be picking up this week
-hopefully meet up with my accountant friend who is doing our taxes again this year
-in the evening – boil a bunch of eggs and fry up some bacon for breakfasts/snacks for the rest of the week
-write two blog posts – hopefully I’ll be able to review/edit etc in time to post this week too

-up early and doing some basic yoga/stretching
-mail some packages that have been sitting around for a while but I keep forgetting to bring to the post office
-send a reminder email to Toby at work to change his income tax withholding and also to submit his receipts for his recent business trip
-I have a physio appointment at lunch for my hamstring
-I’d like to spend an hour after Q goes to bed organizing my craft area. I’d love for it to be usable soon! Also throw a load of laundry in.

-run in the morning for 30-45 minutes
-after work I have a board meeting for the day care so Q and I will be there late (Toby has choir)
-after that – maybe just some cross-stitching or entering contests for a bit before bed
-YIKES! Good thing I’m doing up this list – what I should do is go through the recipes for Easter Sunday and make sure we have everything we need

-weigh in day for month 1 of our dietbet. If I make it – losing 3% of my starting weight – I’ll be really really surprised. I’ve fallen off the bandwagon more often than I’d like to admit.
-have to bring out the recycling and green bin before work
-go over the City’s waste website to figure out when we can bring in our bigger garbage stuff that’s been hanging around in the basement for a year. Our local “Community Environment Day” is May 10 – we can bring our hazardous waste and electronics and stuff to the park down the street for free!
-in the evening get everything ready for baking and do some laundry and puttering after Q goes to bed.

Friday: Good Friday so no work today :)-hopefully we all get to sleep in a little
-go for a run for at least an hour
-hang the shelf in the basement in the treadmill room for holding my gym clothes and stuff
-I’m sure there will be lots more puttering and laundry and playing with Q

-make lemon blueberry cupcakes and chocolate mousse for easter. Toby’s making pain au chocolat bread pudding. I should really try and remember to take pictures for future blog posts.

-go for a run for at least an hour and hopefully closer to an hour and a half BUT we have to be at my parents’ place for like 10 a.m. so maybe not. Maybe I’ll run on Saturday instead…
-other than that – it’s easter so big family gathering at my parents’ place.

So do you try to map out your week? Does it help? I hope so! This ended up being a bit more detailed than I thought it would be so I hope I can do it all!

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