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Peach bourbon pecan ice cream

Mmmm bourbon….

Sorry, where were we? Oh yea, last year I jarred some peaches for the first time. They turned out pretty nicely. So when we were going to be hosting a big family dinner, Toby thought we’d put the new ice cream maker attachment to our kitchen-aid mixer to use. He looked up a whole bunch of recipes and then, well, did what he always does, and winged it.

This will be peach bourbon walnut ice cream....(wiping drool off chin)
This will be peach bourbon pecan ice cream….(wiping drool off chin)
straining the peaches
straining the peaches
Toby chopping pecans
Toby chopping pecans

Toby reduced the liquid from the peach jars and added bourbon and then reduced it for a whole long while.


Then the pecans, peaches (some in much larger chunks than others), and the liquid was added to the custard.

IMG_3259And then mixed in the ice-cream maker

IMG_3253We put it in a very strong plastic storage container to go in the freezer. Right out of the mixer it’s almost like soft serve and we wanted it a bit harder than that.

IMG_3263I didn’t get any pictures afterwards. Sigh. I’ll just have to ask Toby to make it again!

2 replies on “Peach bourbon pecan ice cream”

My tip from making ice cream this summer: when you put it in the freezer, put plastic wrap over the ice cream (actually touching it) and store it that way until you finish eating the batch. Keeps it from getting crystally on top. 🙂

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