
One foot in front of the other

I found a website called Nerd Fitness. And tomorrow, Tuesday August 2, 2016 will be Day 1 (yes, it’s probably my 52nd day 1 but hey, at least it means I’m still trying right?)

I’ll get Toby to help take pictures and do measurements tonight AND I’ve made a doctor’s appointment for tomorrow so I have an official, unbiased, third party that I’m going to report in to in about 5-6 months. I need that accountability right now and I’m good with that.

My Big Why

Part of the groundwork for Nerd Fitness is coming up with your “big why” – the reason I’m doing this. Right now my “big why” is just that I’m tired of being overweight, of not fitting into my nice clothes, of feeling squished on the streetcar. I want to not be too tired to run around with Q. To be able to continue to run. That sort of thing.

Me in 5 months

Next is to think of who the new me will be a short time in the future – I’ve picked 5 months ’cause that will take me to the end of the year. I’ve decided that my new me will be  someone who is (physically) stronger, faster, and more flexible.  Personally, I’ll be someone who doesn’t procrastinate (as much) and who makes taking care of myself a priority.

Which leads to the creation of five smaller goals – things to do to get to where I am going to be by the end of the year (so 5 months really)

1.     I will continue to run every day. At least once every two weeks I will run faster (at 10k race pace (about a min or two faster than my current easy pace); at least once every two weeks my workout will incorporate running up one of our local hills.

2.    I will strength train 2 – 3 times a week and do yoga 1 – 2 times a week. I haven’t done strength training in ages and will start off small. Right now I have a lunch time yoga once a week and will incorporate the NF yoga too.

3.    I will cook one healthy meal a month with enough left over for a couple of lunches. I will help Toby plan meals. This should be fun. Y’all know I don’t like to cook – so I see a lot of casserole or slow cooker things in our future.

4.    I will get 7ish hours of sleep a night; cutting down on “screens” so that by the end of October (3 months) I won’t be on my phone/TV/Computer within 45 minutes of bedtime.

5.    And one I think of as most important – “I will make considered choices.” Meaning, if I want the beer I have the beer but it’ll be a damn good beer not just a beer ’cause it’s there. Same with other foods or spending time online or hunting Pokemon etc.

The first bit food-wise is just tracking food. Not necessarily changing anything really but tracking what it all is. So back to My Fitness Pal I go and because tomorrow is Day 1, I’m making plain slow-cooker oatmeal tonight to have for breakfasts this week 🙂

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