Even Q liked the slow-cooker oatmeal! Of course, once you swirled it around, his became chocolate oatmeal. I added in a banana and he polished off the bowl.
So version 1.0 is very simple:
1 cup steel cut oats
3 cups water
a few grinds of salt from the salt mill
Stir it all together in a slow-cooker, set it on slow and go to bed. Or work. Or otherwise ignore it for 6-8 hours. Mine was about 7. Add in what you like in the morning. Mine has some cinnamon on it. Q’s is the one on the right.
Left overs are in the fridge in a ziploc container. I’ll reheat them in the morning and maybe try a different spice combo for mine.
I think ver. 2.0 will be a flavoured batch – apple cinnamon maybe 🙂