Oh I am so behind on this. And I wondered, do I continue with the Ds (where I stopped blogging about it) or jump to the Ks (the books I just finished up). I waffled. As expected. So I thought I would try to write the Ds and if it still came easily then I could keep going and if not then I would jump to the more recent. Let’s see what happens!
It definitely helps that I log everything I read – again, sometimes late but always eventually! I used to use goodreads but then I discovered it was owned by amazon now and I discovered The Storygraph at about the same time so I use that now.
And it turns out I only read 2 Ds. Oops
First up:
Empire of Wild by Cherie Dimaline
The Storygraph tags: fiction fantasy horror challenging dark mysterious medium-paced
Sooo good. So so good. I really enjoyed it and will definitely be keeping this on the shelf until The Mighty Q is a bit older. I think he’d really like the story though he’s still at an age where explicit sex scenes are “no thank you very much” and there is at least one that he would not appreciate at all.

And the other D… I swear, what the hell happened that I didn’t read three? Or at least didn’t log three. Maybe I’ll go stare at the shelf a little bit…
Nope didn’t help. If I read another D author I tossed the book. But I am guessing I just read 2 instead of 3.
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt
This I bought years ago from the remainder bin at the City Hall branch of the Toronto Public Library.

My arrow shows where the library is; though you still enter through the main City Hall doors in the middle
The Storygraph tags: fiction historical adventurous emotional medium-paced
Again, not a usual choice for me. I am not a big fan of westerns. I mean they’re okay and all but not my usual jam. Holy hell this was good. Funny and also so so sad and funny. Toby said he watched the movie and it was very good. The book was too.

Definitely good enough that I picked up another one by DeWitt from a little free library.
Okay well, I definitely remembered enough to write about the Ds so I will just keep catching up.
Do you have a favourite author whose name starts with D? Toby might pick Roald Dahl or Phillip K. Dick. I’m partial to Dickens – he wrote amazingly well AND was a lefty 😉 And if I’m feeling pretentious I will lay claim to Dostoevsky as well.