Yep again. Hope you’ve got the patience to tag along with me.

I took the photo above before my run after work on April 16. I will weigh myself first thing in the morning on Wednesday May 1. I’ll do measurements then too. I’m not gonna share the absolute numbers till it’s all over okay – but:
-I’ll post how my weight changed weekly every Friday (starting May 10)
-I’ll update the photo every four weeks on Fridays
-I’m going to redo my imaginary run to PEI too. This was something I’ve tried to do before and this time I’m going to hang a physical map of Canada up in our basement so I can see the progress as well as track it online. So, starting with my first run after the half in Montreal (so hopefully the short commute run on Wednesday May 1) I’ll restart my imaginary run to PEI 🙂
What’s the motivation this time? Lots – I’m 40 now. Q is 2. I’d like to be around for him as long as possible. I want to set a good example. I love Toby. I need him to stick around too so I figure if I do this then he will too ‘cause he’s very competitive. I have awesome running friends – 2 of whom ran with me for 2:55:– while I struggled through a half-marathon that should have taken me far less time (and will, once I lose the weight) – that I want to make proud of me. One of my medium-term goals is to run a half-marathon with lots of them again in September 2013.
So why wait until May to weigh in and stuff? I ran another half-marathon at the end of April in Montreal. The only goal there was to make the two ladies who ran with me in St. Louis (and the rest of the bunch) proud of me for doing it. I think I accomplished that – I ran 21.1k about 8 minutes faster in Montreal. I’ll do up race reports for those two runs as well as the two I have coming up at the end of May – ’cause, well, I’m crazy that way.
Then, of course, ‘cause it’s Montreal, Toby made dinner reservations for Sunday and Monday night. Our last hurrah. When we come back we’re going to try a new way of eating, called keto for short: basically low carbohydrate (so far fewer processed foods that I eat now that’s for sure) and high protein. I’ll be writing more about that later I’m sure.
So short term goals (say 3-4 months?):
-finish half-marathon in Montreal no slower than 2:55:00 – DONE! 2:47:28.1
-make better choices – no drinking at all on days I don’t run or do other exercise; eat reasonable portions; drink 2L of water a day (including at home – I manage drinking at work okay)
-be consistent
-lose 1-1.5 pounds per week
-go swimming! and learn to ride my bike
Medium term goals (say 5 – 12 months):
-plan/figure out a half-marathon training plan for the September 28 half marathon (not putting a time yet ‘cause I want to see how running and keto and losing weight are all going to hang together)
-work up to consistently run 4 days a week; yoga/stretching 1-2 times a week; 1 long and 1 short strength training session a week
-run enough to run 1500km in 2013
-lose 1-1.5 pounds per week until I hit my goal weight then maintain
Long term goals:
-Run Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (I’ll be doing the half) in the fall of 2014 with an awesome group of women
-maintain my goal weight
-run 1500-2000km in 2014