Even Q liked the slow-cooker oatmeal! Of course, once you swirled it around, his became chocolate oatmeal. I added in a banana and he polished off the bowl.
So version 1.0 is very simple:
1 cup steel cut oats
3 cups water
a few grinds of salt from the salt mill
Stir it all together in a slow-cooker, set it on slow and go to bed. Or work. Or otherwise ignore it for 6-8 hours. Mine was about 7. Add in what you like in the morning. Mine has some cinnamon on it. Q’s is the one on the right.
Left overs are in the fridge in a ziploc container. I’ll reheat them in the morning and maybe try a different spice combo for mine.
I think ver. 2.0 will be a flavoured batch – apple cinnamon maybe š
I like planning out my food a little more than Toby does. BUT he does most of the cooking usually. I thought though I’d hit a couple of goals (improving my breakfasts and saving money by not buying breakfasts at work) by looking for breakfast ideas that I could make ahead of time and re-heat at work.
I used to visitĀ the blog I breathe I’m hungryĀ a lot so I headed over there. And found a recipe for Jalapeno Popper Frittata. I adore jalapeno poppers! I asked Toby to get the ingredients I’d need but that I’d do up the recipe myself. I think he was a little speechless.
A couple of notes: you’ll need three tablespoons total of chopped jalapenos. I got a little over three tablespoons from an 8 cm long jalapeno (a little over 3 inches). If you want some slices for the top instead of chopped, then slice the wide end of the jalapeno first and chop the rest.
Also – we must beĀ one of the few families left without a microwave. Blending the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, salsa verde and jalapenos on the stove top wasn’t hard at all and only took a few minutes (maybe 5 tops) at med-low temperature.
cheeses melted on the stovetopmelted cheese filling in the baking dishfilling topped with the egg mixtureeverything topped with bacon
And here it is about to go into the oven:
And here it is right out of the oven:
The house smelled lovely!
So this was made Monday evening and I had it for breakfast each morning from Tuesday to Thursday. (I have one last piece ready for tomorrow) Ā It reheated really well in the office microwave and was just asĀ tasty as on Tuesday. I probably wouldn’t push it any more than that though in terms of eating already cooked eggs and bacon.