So I’m tired, a bit stressed, and Q’s bathroom smells not-quite-so-vaguely of pee. BUT I’m trying to spend more time focusing on the positive. So here are a couple of things making me happy this week (much much thanks to Pop Culture Happy Hour – several people recommended this as a good podcast to listen to and they end the show with what’s making them happy this week)
1st up: a mug. Coffee is ALWAYS a necessity but as silly as this sounds, I saw this mug about a week ago and it made me smile. I remembered it a couple of times over the past few days and I always smiled so I bought it. I’m just trying to remember that every day can be the best day ever 🙂
Next – Toby and I got married on May 10, 1997. So this week was our 19th wedding anniversary. 19 years. We met 22 years ago. Which is more than 1/2 of Toby’s life. He has done nothing but made my life awesome. I shared (and had to hunt for!) 19 photos of us together on facebook the other day but here’s “day 1” and “day 6935”

And last, the Marlies have both lost 2 and won 2 so far so Game 6 is guaranteed and I get to take Q to Ricoh on Saturday! #conquercalder