Monday – Rest day – and physio. Still not cleared for yoga or strength training but I have some exercises to do for my wrist with weights and if it goes well then I can go back to yoga!
Tuesday – Up and out early 🙂 6:15 am – so not as early as I had hoped but still got it done.
Week 5 Day 1 of the 10k Runner app.
Total time: 32 minutes Total Distance: 3.7 km Pace: 8:43 min/km
Wednesday – Toby has a night class on Wednesdays now so it was Q and I at home for the evening. Nice but no running.
Thursday – Physio – still no approval for anything other than running 🙁
Week 5 Day 2 of the 10k Runner app. Spent equal time running and walking today.
Total time: 36 minutes Total Distance: 4.1 km (yippie! cracked 4 km) Pace: 8:45 min/km
Friday – Week 5 Day 3 of the 10k Runner app. And ran more than walked fro the first time! 😀 (5 min warm up walk; 8 min run; 5 min walk; 8 min run; 5 min cool down walk)
Total time: 31 minutes Total Distance: 3.7 km Pace: 8:23 min/km
Saturday – Week 6 Day 1 and back up to 10 minute runs
Total time: 35 minutes Total Distance: 4.1 km Pace: 8:34 min/km
Saturday was also a “day off” from my usual very low carb way of eating. So I had beer.

Much very yummy beer which of course led to….
Sunday – I should have run. I really should have. Then I would have had 5 runs on the week. But I wimped out 🙁 and felt like poor Nim:
Definitely have to jump back on the wagon on Monday!