
10K runner – week four

Monday – Rest day – and physio. Still not cleared for yoga or strength training but I have some exercises to do for my wrist with weights and if it goes well then I can go back to yoga!

Tuesday – Up and out early 🙂 6:15 am – so not as early as I had hoped but still got it done.

Week 5 Day 1 of the 10k Runner app.

Total time:  32 minutes Total Distance:  3.7 km Pace: 8:43 min/km

Wednesday – Toby has a night class on Wednesdays now so it was Q and I at home for the evening. Nice but no running.

Thursday – Physio – still no approval for anything other than running 🙁

Week 5 Day 2 of the 10k Runner app. Spent equal time running and walking today.

Total time:  36 minutes Total Distance:  4.1 km (yippie! cracked 4 km) Pace: 8:45 min/km

Friday – Week 5 Day 3 of the 10k Runner app. And ran more than walked fro the first time! 😀 (5 min warm up walk; 8 min run; 5 min walk; 8 min run; 5 min cool down walk)

Total time:  31 minutes Total Distance:  3.7 km Pace: 8:23 min/km

Saturday – Week 6 Day 1 and back up to 10 minute runs

Total time:  35 minutes Total Distance:  4.1 km Pace: 8:34 min/km

Saturday was also a “day off” from my usual very low carb way of eating. So I had beer.

Wag the Wolf from Beaus
Wag the Wolf from Beaus


Terrestrial India Brown Ale from Wellington Brewery
Terrestrial India Brown Ale from Wellington Brewery

Much very yummy beer which of course led to….

Sunday – I should have run. I really should have. Then I would have had 5 runs on the week. But I wimped out 🙁 and felt like poor Nim:


Definitely have to jump back on the wagon on Monday!

Get Baked Health

Keto breakfast – jalapeno popper frittata from I breathe I’m hungry

I like planning out my food a little more than Toby does. BUT he does most of the cooking usually. I thought though I’d hit a couple of goals (improving my breakfasts and saving money by not buying breakfasts at work) by looking for breakfast ideas that I could make ahead of time and re-heat at work.

I used to visit the blog I breathe I’m hungry a lot so I headed over there. And found a recipe for Jalapeno Popper Frittata. I adore jalapeno poppers! I asked Toby to get the ingredients I’d need but that I’d do up the recipe myself. I think he was a little speechless.

filling ingredients

A couple of notes: you’ll need three tablespoons total of chopped jalapenos. I got a little over three tablespoons from an 8 cm long jalapeno (a little over 3 inches). If you want some slices for the top instead of chopped, then slice the wide end of the jalapeno first and chop the rest.

Also – we must be one of the few families left without a microwave. Blending the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, salsa verde and jalapenos on the stove top wasn’t hard at all and only took a few minutes (maybe 5 tops) at med-low temperature.

cheeses melted on the stovetop
cheeses melted on the stovetop
006 filling in the dish
melted cheese filling in the baking dish
007 filling topped with egg custard
filling topped with the egg mixture
008 topped with cooked bacon
everything topped with bacon

And here it is about to go into the oven:

009 topped with cheese and peppers

And here it is right out of the oven:

010 out of the ovenThe house smelled lovely!

So this was made Monday evening and I had it for breakfast each morning from Tuesday to Thursday. (I have one last piece ready for tomorrow)  It reheated really well in the office microwave and was just as tasty as on Tuesday. I probably wouldn’t push it any more than that though in terms of eating already cooked eggs and bacon.

And here it all is ready for the week ahead.

011 portioned out

Next up will be cream cheese pancakes!


Weight loss update…

Well hell. The last time I updated was a fitness Friday on July 26! Well, I’ve been up and down a whole bunch since then – both weight and running wise. I guess I just needed some time off ’cause now I feel more committed than I have in a while.

So today – Monday October 14 – I weighed 4 pounds more than July 26. So not great BUT I’m still down 27 pounds since May 1.

Which means I would like to lose 20 by the end of the year and there are only 10 weeks to do it in. So, 2 pounds a week. Now that Thanksgiving is behind us there’s nothing major coming up until a weekend in Chicago in December and then Christmas so it’s certainly doable although definitely not easily as history has shown.

I’ll update my running this week too.


Fitness Friday (July 12/13) – the US are coming…

It’s been a week. Sigh. I fell out of tracking and exercising got pushed aside for play time with Q and, well, just resting and being lazy.

And yet somehow I’m down 1.5 pounds for a total of 27 pounds. Or a little over 12 kg. Not too shabby overall but it hit me today that I’d be doing a lot better if I applied myself.

Applying myself eh? Lately I’ve been coasting in a lot of things. Gotta figure out what I want to do and why and how. Prioritize.

Jeez, sound all very meta there. Oh well. Like I said it’s been a week. And thankfully there will be another one starting soon 😀

Oh and Toby’s big meal experiment of the week was Indian food – he made paneer! Saag paneer, beef rogan gosh and gobi gobi (cabbage and cauliflower – the cauliflower was good; cabbage is still really only good when it is encasing ground meats and rice).

And the title? On July 12, 1812 US Brigadier General Hull crossed the Detroit River and thus began the first US invasion in the War of 1812.


Fitness Friday (June 7/13) – Happy Sette Giuno!

Yep, the 7th of June is actually a holiday in Malta (I’m half Maltese – we’ll get into Q’s split national backgrounds another day) It’s a day to commemorate four lives lost shortly after World War One during a civil uprising against the colonial Maltese government and the British. I’ve never actually read a lot about it before but it’s one of those things that you read and thin “if those responsible had acted differently, the course of history might have been changed.” The next couple of paragraphs are a summary of a pretty grim episode so skip down a couple of paragraphs to the weekly update if you’re so inclined.

After the war, things became pretty precarious in Malta; the cost of living rose; shipping was interrupted and Malta’s this tiny island in the middle of a vast sea – shipping is the lifeline. As fewer food supplies come in, the price of what’s there goes up and no one can afford it. Couple that with some political differences – become independent or remain “British” – and you end up with a tinderbox waiting for a spark.

So before the June 7 meeting of the National Assembly (the government) the police were worried about a planned demonstration but they didn’t actually do much about it. Then the crowd of people who showed up noticed that the Union Jack was flying above the Maltese flag and they got pissed. They broke in and took down the Union Jack. They went through the capital getting places with British names, or in British named buildings to close – basically no where with a Union Jack was safe. The army was called for help but only a handful of soldiers came in against thousands of rioters. One of the soldiers must have felt threatened, or thought a shot in the air would calm things down (weird no?) and a shot was fired and a Maltese man died. One soldier fired and others followed. Four Maltese died that day. While there were more uprisings the next day the point was made that the Maltese couldn’t live as they had been – people were starving and feeling like they had no voice in their own governance. That couldn’t last. Within a coupe of years, a new constitution was introduced and a new governance structure put in place.


so another week – and 2 more pounds lost since last Friday or 20 total from May 1. Last Sunday I went and had a facial as my “20 pounds lost” reward. A little early I know but my nephew is in town now and I have a 5k race this Sunday so I took it a little early.

This week’s favourite meal was made with leftovers! Toby took some leftover steak and stir fried it with broccoli and almonds and spicy sauce. It was awesome. I also made that low carb almond chocolate cake and Toby made some very yummy brownies.

I’ll promise to include more recipes and food pics in the future!