Again… working on that whole consistency thing…
Here’s the chart from the last update to the end of February.
28/2/2023 | Run | Garmin bgnr 5k | 2.1 km | 20:07 | 9:27 |
25/2/2023 | Walk | Default | 2.1 km | 25:22:00 | 12:09 |
25/2/2023 | Run | Garmin bgnr 5k | 1.9 km | 20:13 | 10:39 |
24/2/2023 | Run | Garmin bgnr 5k | 1.2 km | 9:11 | 7:51 |
20/2/2023 | Run | Learning | 2.7 km | 27:09:00 | 10:02 |
15/2/2023 | Run | Learning | 3.0 km | 30:09:00 | 10:14 |
13/2/2023 | Run | Learning | 3.0 km | 30:08:00 | 10:05 |
A total of 16 km for February. Well, February is a short month. But yea, nothing between 22 January and 13 February. That doesn’t help the overall numbers at all.
Also though – no yoga on that little chart eh? I am feeling this today – early in March writing about February and thinking to myself, damn my hamstrings are tight….
But enough! Moving on now to the good stuff – see the change on 24 February? “Garmin bgnr 5k” is when I started a new training plan based off my new very fancy training watch: a Garmin 255 🙂

I’m sure I’m not using even half of what it can do but so far I love it a ton. I do still have the habit of setting it off when I’m just reading or whatever; my hand twigs the top right button and then the watch thinks that I’m about to do something active as opposed to sitting on the streetcar reading a novel lol
The garmin beginner 5k plan starts with you picking between three different online coaches – I chose Coach Amy. My first run was a benchmark test that was 9 minutes long:
2 minutes walking warm up
5 minutes running – walking if you need to
2 minutes walking cool down
Then the next two runs were:
5 minutes walking; 1 minute running x 3
There was also a good long walk in there that I counted! Mostly because it was me walking all the way to my massage ❤️ And yes, I am well aware that 1 minute running is a bit less than what I can do but I needed a win okay!
So 16 km in February plus the 81 km to the end of January = 97 km-ish. Which puts me near Pork Hope Ontario: moving link here.
Port Hope always meant I was half-way back to Kingston (where I went to law school) but apparently lots of other people will recognize it because IT – the movie IT and its sequel – were filmed in Port Hope; it stood in as the fictional Derry, Maine. (IMDB link to Port Hope).

The other thing Port Hope is kinda known for, confirmed by wiki:
Port Hope is known for having the largest volume of historic low-level radioactive wastes in Canada
And last, but definitely not least: Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny! The Ganaraska River (the “Ganny”) flooded in 1980 and caused oodles of damage to Port Hope. And now they commemorate this with a 10k race: canoe, kayak or “crazy craft!”
(a footnote: Google maps says it’s 1,700 km by car from Toronto city hall to Charlottetown city hall – so I am about 5.7% of the way there. Well hell!)